Active Reading

This annotation shows understanding, due to my explanation of the text.
This annotation shows understanding, due to my explanation of the text.
This annotation shows challenging, due to me disagreeing with the author’s concepts.
This annotation shows understanding, due to my explanation of the text.

I feel that my annotations have improved throughout the course. When I began the semester my annotations did not display an in depth engagement with the text. However, now as I reflect on the annotations which I did later in the semester I can observe that the annotations had a more in depth engagement with the text. Although, my annotations have improved throughout the course, it is evident that most of my annotations are still mostly understanding. Challenging, and expressing relationships is something which I still need to improve on. I feel that as I practice more active reading these skills will naturally develop more and become more common throughout my annotations. Active reading has helped me spot text to text relationships early on and begin thinking where the connections lie and their significance. Throughout the course it can be observed that I have begun questioning why the author has used the specific words and phrases they did in the text. In addition, I no longer read texts with an arhetorical frame of mind.