Recursive Process

Paper 3 – Final Draft

Paper 3- First Draft

When beginning this course I struggled with many aspects of writing, as I have never been a strong reader or writer. However, throughout the course I have developed skills and strategies which have helped me acquire a more complete acquisition in literature. For example, having a well structured paper is something which was difficult for me at first. Using peer review activities, and revision plans I was able to discover where I needed to make edits in the organization of my essay. This made my paper stronger because, it was easier to understand and the segue between the different claims discussed in the paper were much smoother. Another aspect of writing which has developed significantly throughout the term has been using contextual evidence to support my claims. In the beginning I had a very difficult time using the proper quotes to support my claims and aid in expanding my ideas. However, using tools such as the Barclay’s Formula, and the They Say, I Say book allowed me to properly structure my paragraphs so that my claims were supported by a quote, along with a detailed explanation of the quotes are relevant to the concept. The skills and strategies which I have developed throughout the course have significantly enhanced my writing abilities.